

Rashtrapati Bhavan : 13.10.2017

The two-day 48th Conference of Governors concluded at Rashtrapati Bhavan today (October 13, 2017).

In his closing remarks, the President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, expressed satisfaction at the exchange of ideas on issues of national importance that had taken place at the Conference.

The President said that Governors can give direction to the younger generation and can play an important role in shaping the future of the country by constantly engaging with students and teachers. They can inspire Universities in their States to develop as innovation centres. The role of the Governors becomes even more important in ensuring education and development in tribal areas.

The President said that States and Governors should share information about their successful programmes with their counterparts. Deliberations on both achievements and problems between States, will give a new dimension to co-operative federalism.

The President said that during the course of the Conference, useful experiences were shared about issues pertaining to cleanliness, the environment, conservation of energy and cutting down of wasteful expenditure.Many Raj Bhavans have been accorded the status of heritage buildings. He urged inclusion of special features of a ‘Green Building’ and a ‘Smart Building’; while keeping the heritage status of Raj Bhavans intact.

The President iterated that India will emerge as a developed nation only when every State develops. He expressed confidence that Governors and Lt. Governors would continue to make important contributions in giving a new direction to development in their respective States.

The Vice President of India, Prime Minister of India, Minister for Home Affairs, Minister of External Affairs and Minister of Defence also addressed the Conference today.

Speaking on the occasion, the Vice President said that Governors should act as catalysts and facilitators in the change process. The ultimate aim is to serve common citizens and ensure that the benefits of development reach the people.

While addressing the Conference, Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, said that there is no dearth of ideas, resources and capabilities in our country. He said that Governors can facilitate better effectiveness of Government initiatives. He also stressed on making conscious efforts towards national integration. In this regard, the Prime Minister urged Governors to involve themselves in initiatives such as ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’; and ‘Run for Unity’.

Union Minister of Home Affairs, Shri Rajnath Singh, said that the Governors can act as a bridge between the Centre and States. The Governors can contribute towards strengthening confidence building measures so that people’s faith in the democratic system is maintained.

Earlier in the day, Governors made brief remarks on special issues pertaining to their respective States/Union Territories. Presentations on the sessions on ‘Infrastructure for New India 2022’, ‘Public Services for New India 2022’ and ‘Higher Education in States and Skill Development’ - which had taken place on October 12, 2017 - were also made today.

The Conference of Governors has a tradition almost as old as Independence. The first Conference of Governors was held at Rashtrapati Bhavan in 1949 which was presided over by Shri C. Rajagopalachari, Governor General of India. Since then, 48 such Conferences have been organised in Rashtrapati Bhavan.

This release issued at 1815 hrs.